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Which professions do HCPC regulate?

The 15 professions we regulate have one or more designated titles that are protected by law

News and updates

Find HCPC news items, statements and press releases


Find and sign-up to our events including conferences, exhibitions, webinars and workshops


Find current and previous consultations

HCPC blog

Latest articles from the blog

Journalist FAQs

Some of the frequently asked questions journalists have about the HCPC

Position statements

Find individual position statements from the HCPC

Working with our stakeholders

See how we work with stakeholders, which underpins the functioning of the model

Reporting concerns or information about a provider or programme

How to report concerns or information about a provider or programme

Quality assurance principles

The principles underlying our QA processes, including aims

Meeting our standards

Guidance and learning materials on putting our standards into practice and supporting professionalism

Returning to practice

Information about the process you need to complete if you are returning to practice after a break of more than two years

Health and character declarations

Guidance for applicants and registrants on why we ask for information about your health and character, when you would need to provide it, what you'd need to provide and how it would be assessed.

The CPD audit process

During each renewal we randomly select 2.5 per cent of each profession and ask them to submit their CPD profile
