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Student competition

Design a learning session for a chance to win a £300 voucher prize

The HCPC student competition 2025 is now open!

All HCPC registrants are required to speak up and raise concerns where patient safety and colleagues’ behaviour make it necessary. Developing the skills to do this effectively and constructively is essential for registrants. 

We invite students who are enrolled in a HCPC-approved pre-registration programme to create a learning session for fellow students that explores:

  • Why speaking up and raising concerns is important;
  • How to develop a range of approaches that are effective and constructive; and
  • How approaches should differ depending on the situation.

The winning entry will be awarded a £300 voucher prize.

This is a chance to show off your talents! We’re looking for sessions that are accurate and informative, as well as attention-grabbing, engaging and creative. It's about illustrating best practice and potential pitfalls, and above all it's about helping others understand their duties around raising concerns.


How to enter

  1. Fill in the entry form - you can do this at any time, without submitting your entry
  2. Fill in the EDI monitoring form - you can do this at any time, without submitting your entry
  3. Send your finished learning session, plan and any materials to by 23:59 on Monday 1 September 2025

Make sure you've read the terms and conditions - this includes how we'll assess your entry.


What we're looking for

A learning session of no more than 30 minutes that explores registrants' duties around speaking up and raising concerns.

Your learning session can be in any format (e.g. a narrated presentation, video, quiz, online workshop, or anything interesting and engaging).

You should create a clear plan for your session. This should be detailed enough for us to understand how the session would run, what would be covered and what the learning objectives are. Detail any slides, media or other resources you would use in the session.

Please do not include your name or your education provider's name in any of your session materials. (You should only include this information in the application form and subject line of your email.)

Some resources you could use are:

You can enter the competition on your own or in a team of up to six students. 



The winning entry will be awarded a £300 high street voucher and two runner-up entries will be awarded a £150 high street voucher.

The winning and runner-up entries will be published on the HCPC website and shared with HCPC approved programmes as a teaching resource. We will also promote the top entries across our social media channels.

Take a look at the winning entries of the 2024 student competition



We will consider the following when shortlisting and judging your entry:

  • Does the entry comply with the terms and conditions for entry?
  • Does the entry accurately reflect the competition brief?
  • Are all learning materials that are needed to deliver the session included?
  • Do the learning resources accurately present HCPC standards and guidance?
  • Does the content accurately identify:
    - Why speaking up and raising concerns is important
    - The standards related to raising concerns
    - Constructive and effective approaches
    - How approaches differ depending on the situation
  • Are the learning objectives clear for participants and met by the session? 
  • Does the session demonstrate the ability to produce materials that are engaging and creative for students?

Questions and alternative formats

If you have any questions, please contact us on

If you'd like to receive this information in an alternative format, or require reasonable adjustments to enter, please let us know at

Get started

Entry form

EDI monitoring form

Related information

Page updated on: 28/03/2025