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Search results for hearings

Showing 106 to 120 of 148 results

What to expect from us

We recognise that the fitness to practise process can be a stressful experience so we try to make our process as open and clear as possible

Need help?

How to check the Register to find a professional, and what the results mean

How to use the MRS

Step-by-step instructions for using the Multiple Registrant Search (MRS)

Return to practice: a win-win for employers and professionals

Speech and language therapist Debbie Halden shares her experience supporting a former registrant return to practice

Dishonesty by falsifying time sheet and travel expense claims

Case study: The NHS Counter Fraud Unit of the local NHS Trust raised concerns about a physiotherapist. On numerous occasions, the registrant submitted timesheets and claimed payments for hours they did not work.

Dishonesty – fraud

Case study: An employer raised concerns about an operating department practitioner’s (ODP) conviction of fraud. For this conviction, she was sentenced to 18-months imprisonment and suspended for 24 months.

Concerns about employees

If a concern is raised about an employee, we may ask you for information as their employer or manager
