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Orthoptist CPD audit (2023)

A total of 30 orthoptists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2021-2023 renewal cycle.

CPD audit statistics (2022)

This section lists the outcomes of the audits for the professions who were asked to submit their CPD profile in 2022 for the previous two-year renewal cycle.

CPD audit statistics (2020)

This section lists the outcomes of the audits for the professions who were asked to submit their CPD profile in 2020 for the previous two-year renewal cycle.

Egwyddorion Tiwtoriaeth

Helpu gweithwyr proffesiynol iechyd a gofal drwy gyfnodau pontio yn eu gyrfa


Gwybodaeth am bolisïau'r Cyngor Proffesiynau Iechyd a Gofal, yn cynnwys data, caffael, rhyddid gwybodaeth a’r Gymraeg.

Y proffesiynau

Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn rheoleiddio aelodau 15 proffesiwn
