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Showing 76 to 90 of 1839 results

Become a Partner

Provide the expertise the HCPC needs for its decision making and play important roles in the regulatory process.

Standards of conduct, performance and ethics

The standards we set for all the professionals on our Register, stating in broad terms our expectations of their behaviour and conduct.

Practising outside the UK

What to do if you're planning on practising abroad

Managing risk: infection prevention and control

The factors to consider in applying our standards during the COVID-19 pandemic

Speaking up during a pandemic

The factors to consider in applying our standards during the COVID-19 pandemic

Meet the HCPC, Wrexham

Meet the HCPC (Wrexham) is a chance to hear about our recent work, ask us questions and share ideas

Meet the HCPC, Aberdeen

Meet the HCPC (Aberdeen) is a chance to hear about our recent work, ask us questions and share ideas

Her Majesty the Queen - a statement by the HCPC

The Health and Care Professions Council is deeply saddened by the death of Her Majesty the Queen, and we offer our sincere condolences to the Royal Family.

HCPC response to BEIS call for evidence on the recognition of professional qualifications and regulation of professions

The Health and Care Professions Council response the BEIS call for evidence and consultation on the recognition of professional qualifications and regulation of professions

Being open and honest when things go wrong

The requirement to be open and honest, otherwise known as the duty of candour, is part of the standards of conduct, performance and ethics.


Committees advise and assist the Council

Meet the HCPC, Swansea

Meet the HCPC (Swansea) is a chance to hear about our recent work, ask us questions and share ideas

The characteristics of effective clinical and peer supervision in the workplace: a rapid evidence review

This report presents the key findings from a literature review: to explore the characteristics of effective clinical and peer supervision in the workplace.

The benefits of supervision - an employer’s perspective

The British Psychological Society's Dr Noreen Tehrani looks at the different types of supervision from an employer's perspective - including the different benefits that employers stand to gain and tips to ensure its success.

Roles in Registration

The Registration department process applications from individuals seeking to become a registered professional with the HCPC and practise within the UK
