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Search results for the care act 2014

Showing 811 to 825 of 950 results

When social media use breaches service user confidentiality

Case study: Desmond is a radiographer who posted on social media about particular patient injuries and occasionally shared photos of their x-rays

Your renewal fee payments

Information about paying your renewal fee, including payment types and direct debit collection dates for each profession.

Continuously improve and innovate

Aim: To improve our performance against PSA standards of good regulation and to innovate across all our regulatory functions to provide an enhanced user experience

Who we work with

How we inform, educate and consult with our stakeholders such as professional bodies, education providers and other regulators

EDI Forum Terms of Reference

EDI is important to our people and how they work, we share ideas and remain open to difference, learning from one another

Using social media

Case study about using all forms of communication appropriately and responsibly, including social media and networking websites


For queries relating to invoices, purchase orders and procurement

Creating an online application

Create an account, sign in and create a new application to get started

HCPC launches search for its 2024 Council Apprentices: could it be you?

This is a unique opportunity to be mentored by senior Council members and to engage in discussions and decisions on important public interest matters, and I look forward to welcoming our new Council Apprentices.
