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Showing 481 to 495 of 1845 results

Our new Education Quality assurance model – our reflections six months in

Updates on our quality assurance model and reflections on the achievements and challenges. 

Section 4 – Practice outside of the United Kingdom

For those who qualified more than five years ago and have been practising outside of the UK since qualifying

Fitness to practise annual report 2018

This report provides information about the HCPC’s work in considering allegations about the fitness to practise of HCPC registrants. 

Promoting public health and preventing ill-health

We have introduced new standards about promoting public health and preventing ill-health. This is one theme within the key changes to the updated standards of proficiency for all professions. 

What employers need to know before the updated standards of proficiency come into effect

Learn about the updated standards of proficiency, what is changing, what they will improve and what your responsibilities are as an employer. 

Professional bodies for hearing aid dispensers

Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.

#myhcpcstandards: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

In this webinar, we will explore the requirement to recognise the impact of culture, equality and diversity on practice.

Education provider and visitor survey 2020 results

The HCPC runs a biennial education provider and visitor survey, which gathers feedback to improve these stakeholders’ experience and involvement

Employer insight: Supporting members of the LGBT+ community flourish in the workplace

Dawn Starley (educational psychologist) shares her professional and personal experiences and why EDI is critical for ensuring all members of society are given a fair chance to be themselves

Welsh Language Scheme Annual Monitoring Report 2021-22

How we continue to implement steps to make sure we treat English and Welsh equally when communicating with the public in Wales.

Revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics - supporting registered professionals

With the publication of the revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics (‘the standards’) coming soon, you are no doubt wondering what you can do to support your HCPC registrants with embedding them into everyday practice. We're here to help! 

Consultation on permanent changes to our Rules to hold remote hearings

We are seeking the views of our stakeholders on our proposal to amend our Rules to give us the express power to hold hearings remotely.

Supporting professionals during the busy winter period

Read our joint letter regarding the busy winter period and how we are supporting health and care professionals during this time.

Protected function

Regulation for hearing aid dispensers will be on the basis of protecting a professional title and also a protected function.
