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Year in Highlights: A Year in Transition

Blog by Christine Elliott, Chair of the Health and Care Professions Council

HCPC response to the HEE consultation on framework 15

 View our response to the Health Education England consultation on framework 15.

Fitness to practise annual report 2012

This report provides information about the HPC’s work in considering allegations about the fitness to practise of HPC registrants.

Council apprenticeship

More information about the Council apprenticeship scheme including profiles of current HCPC Council Apprentices.

Build a resilient, healthy, capable and sustainable organisation

Aim: Employees feel valued and supported, and fully able to contribute. The organisation is resilient and able to quickly adapt to changes in the external environment

My Story – Nusrat Kauser

To mark South Asian Heritage Month 2021, Nusrat Kauser candidly shares her story and details the reality of what she has experienced in the health and care sector as a South Asian woman.

Service User Expert Advisor

Service User Expert Advisors will be engaged in an effective and targeted manner, which is reflective of the skills, expertise and experience successful candidates bring to the role

Section 4 – Practice outside of the United Kingdom

For those who qualified more than five years ago and have been practising outside of the UK since qualifying

What employers need to know before the updated standards of proficiency come into effect

Learn about the updated standards of proficiency, what is changing, what they will improve and what your responsibilities are as an employer. 

Diversity data: practitioner psychologists - July 2023

This factsheet provides key EDI information for practitioner psychologists and how the demographics of this group compare to the demographics of HCPC registrants overall

Diversity data: arts therapists - March 2023

This factsheet provides key EDI information for arts therapists and how the demographics of this group compare to the demographics of HCPC registrants overall

Diversity data: radiographers - March 2023

This factsheet provides key EDI information for radiographers and how the demographics of this group compare to the demographics of HCPC registrants overall

Professional bodies for clinical scientists

Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.

What our Fitness to practise annual report shows

The level of public concern in our professions remains small, but it is rising
