Showing 361 to 375 of 569 results
Principles for preceptorship
Helping health and care professionals through career transitions
Fitness to Practise Data Supplementary Analysis 2023-24
Our Fitness to Practise Annual Report published in October 2024 provided some analysis of our data in order to inform stakeholders and the public about this part of our work. Further analyses of our data are included in this new report and are in two sections.
Cross-profession supervision and multiple supervisors
Case study: Ellie is a registered Operating Department Practitioner (ODP), who recently started a new job at an NHS Trust. As part of her contract of employment, Ellie is expected to administer drugs intravenously.
Failure to provide adequate care
Case study: A paramedic self-referred with an allegation that he carried out inadequate assessments.
Failure to maintain adequate records
Case study: A dietitian’s employer raised concerns about their clinical practice and conduct, following a number of incidents relating to six different service users.
My COVID-19 story - Gillian Reeley
Gillian Reeley is a HCPC registered occupational therapist working for Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, NHS Grampian.
My COVID-19 Story - Luke McAndrew
Luke McAndrew is a recent graduate and newly qualified paramedic.
Student supervision
Case study: Lilly is a Band 5 registered dietician who works in a community healthcare centre. Lilly has recently been asked by her employer to supervise Isaac, a second-year student dietician, during his practice-based learning.
Failure to provide adequate care
Case study: A professional body raised a concern that a biomedical scientist had acted beyond her scope of practise.
Failure to maintain adequate records
Case study: An occupational therapist’s employer raised concerns relating to their clinical practice and conduct, following a number of incidents relating to nine different cases.
Standards for prescribing
Our expectations of education providers delivering training in prescribing and of professionals on our Register who prescribe