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Showing 346 to 360 of 1839 results

HCPC response to consultation on patient group directions for ODPs

Health and Care Professions Council response to NHS England’s consultation on the proposal for the supply and administration of medicines using patient group directions for operating department practitioners across the United Kingdom

Disclosing information to regulators

There are a number of regulators – such as the General Medical Council, the Care Quality Commission and us – who may need you to pass on information to them

Why your registration matters

Our primary purpose is to protect the public, but there are benefits to being a regulated profession

Professional bodies for paramedics

Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.

Protecting the health and safety of others

We expect our registrants to take all reasonable steps to reduce risk of harm, and to maintain a safe practice environment

Engaging with the public about what they do via social media

Case study: Simon is a dietitian. He has recently been considering new ways of engaging with his service users and members of the public

The costs of fitness to practise - a study of the Health and Care Professions Council

This study aims to generate descriptive statistics for different features of the HCPC’s Fitness to Practise processes and to address some specific questions regarding the factors which impact on costs.

Supporting your employee through the fitness to practise process

We understand that employers and managers often want to provide guidance and support to employees who are going through the fitness to practise process

Professional bodies for arts therapists

Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.

#myhcpcstandards webinar: Duty of candour

Being open and honest when things go wrong can be very challenging. In this webinar we will explore the duty of candour requirements across the UK, some of the challenges in meeting these requirements and how to overcome them.

Transfer of regulation to Social Work England

Important information for social workers in England regarding the transfer of regulation to Social Work England including FAQs

Professional bodies for physiotherapists

Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.

Assessing SET1 - Threshold level of qualification

This policy statement sets out our broad approach to assessing the threshold level of qualification for entry to the Register.
