Showing 316 to 330 of 1901 results
PSA review highlights significant progress made by the HCPC
The Professional Standards Authority (PSA) has today published its annual performance review of the HCPC. The HCPC has met 16 of the 18 Standards of Good Regulation, regaining two fitness to practise (FTP) standards and one standard linked to registration.
Standards of proficiency
Supporting your employees in understanding and meeting the revised standards of proficiency
Protect yourself and your service users from flu
The flu jab is the best way to protect yourself and your service users against flu.
HCPC increases the education threshold for paramedics
Planned changes to the paramedic education threshold have now come into force. This follows on from our consultation and decision by our Council to increase the threshold to degree level in 2018.
HCPC and health regulators' joint statement supports reflective practice across healthcare
Nine healthcare regulators, including the HCPC, have signed a joint statement outlining the processes and advantages of good reflective practice
Professional bodies for occupational therapists
Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.
One week until the HCPC updated standards of proficiency come into effect
There's just one week until 1 September 2023, when the updated HCPC standards of proficiency come into effect. We encourage all registrants to ensure they understand the updates and are ready to integrate them as far as they relate to their scope of practice.
Fitness to practise annual report 2009
This report provides information about the HPC’s work in considering allegations about the fitness to practise of our registrants.
Review of the standards of education and training
We are undertaking a review of the standards of education and training (SETs).
Professional bodies for biomedical scientists
Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.
Standards for podiatric surgery
The standards for podiatric surgery play a key role in supporting safe and effective practice in podiatric surgery.
The benefits and outcomes of effective supervision
Learn about the benefits that supervision can have for your professional practice and the wider sector
Change of name
You can use your online account to request that your name is changed on the HCPC Register
The making of a multi-professional regulator - The HCPC 2001-2015
This report is an account of the making of a multi-professional regulator over its first fifteen years.