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Showing 271 to 285 of 1039 results

Employment in NHS Scotland

Potential employment with NHS Scotland Boards for registrants based in Scotland.

Communication and using social media

Our standards require registrants to communicate appropriately and effectively


Support and guidance relating to how health and care professionals handle information about service users

Supervision, leadership and culture

Working in partnership with colleagues, effective supervision and leadership are integral to the delivery of healthcare

Person-centred care

As a health and care professional, you must promote and protect the interests of service users and carers

Reflective practice

Support for, information about and examples of reflecting on your practice

What, when and how to refer an employee to us

If your concern about your employee raises a question about their fitness to practise, you should refer this to us

Working with us

We will notify you, your chief executive or director of human resources if we commence a fitness to practise investigation about your employee

Learning from fitness to practise process to support employees

We publish information that helps us and you to learn from our fitness to practise cases
