Showing 256 to 270 of 950 results
Temporary Register snapshot - 1 May 2020
Data showing the number of temporary registrants by profession and home country
Temporary Register snapshot - 1 July 2020
Data showing the number of temporary registrants by profession and home country
Temporary Register snapshot - 9 June 2020
Data showing the number of temporary registrants by profession and home country
Review of the threshold level of qualification for entry to the Register
Our statement on how we review the threshold levels
Protected function
Regulation for hearing aid dispensers will be on the basis of protecting a professional title and also a protected function.
FAQs on record keeping
We get many questions about record keeping from registrants. This page runs through the most common questions and signposts to other sources of advice
Employer referrals
Raise a concern if you are an employer of a HCPC registrant
Trade unions
A trade union is a group of employees who join together to promote their collective interest and conditions.
High level principles for good practice in remote consultations and prescribing
High level principles of good practice expected of everyone when consulting and or prescribing remotely from the patient
Declaring convictions and cautions
Information on declaring any convictions or police cautions you've received
Raise a concern as a member of the public
How to raise a concern about a HCPC registered professional if you are a member of the public
Changes to the level of qualification for entry to the Register for paramedics
Information about this change, including how it will affect existing paramedic programmes