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Registrant snapshot - April 2019

Registrant statistics by profession, application route and gender

ICP threshold policy

On 14 January we launched our new Threshold Policy for Fitness to Practise Investigations and Approach to the Investigation of Health Matters policy.

Tell us what you think about the Partner Portal with our short survey

Have your say on our Partner Portal. Has it helped you? What could we do differently? Your feedback will help us improve

Training and annual monitoring reminders for Visitors

Complete the three online training modules by 31 March 2019, and don’t forget annual monitoring assessment days are going paperless

HCPTS website updates

We have recently made a few changes to the HCPTS website to improve the information and support provided to registrants

Introducing your new look Partner Portal

We recently upgraded the Partner Portal to the newest version and we have created some up-to-date manuals to help you navigate the system

Commonly asked record-keeping questions, answered

Katherine Timms, Head of Policy and Standards at the HCPC, answers the most common questions we receive from registrants about record keeping

Toolbox or tickbox: how should you use our standards?

What’s the best way to use our standards of conduct, performance and ethics in practice?

Reclassification of Gabapentin and Pregabalin

From midnight on 1st April 2019, gabapentin and pregabalin will be reclassified as Schedule 3 controlled drugs, under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations (2001), and Class C of the Misuse of Drugs Act (1971)
