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Showing 1846 to 1860 of 3058 results

HCPC response to the 2020 Welsh language standards

The Health and Care Professions Council response to the Welsh Government consultation: Welsh Language Standards (Healthcare Regulators) Regulations.

HCPC response to consultation on patient group directions for biomedical scientists

Health and Care Professions Council response to NHS England’s consultation on the proposal for the supply and administration of medicines using patient group directions for biomedical scientists across the United Kingdom.

HCPC response to consultation on medical entitlements for Paramedics

Health and Care Professions Council response to NHS England’s consultation on proposed amendments to the list of medicines that paramedics are able to administer under exemptions within the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 across the United Kingdom.

HCPC response to consultation on medical entitlements for Podiatrists

Health and Care Professions Council response to NHS England’s consultation on proposed amendments to the list of controlled drugs that podiatrists can independently prescribe across the United Kingdom

HCPC response to CSPL survey on challenges posed by AI

The Health and Care Professions Council’s response to the Committee on Standards in Public Life’s survey on how regulators are adapting to the challenges posed by AI

Reporting concerns

Case study on reporting concerns about the safety or wellbeing of service users, carers or others

Having consent

Case study on having consent from service users (or other appropriate authority) before any care, treatment or other services is carried out
