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Subject access requests

Subject access requests

By placing a subject access request, you can exercise your right to view all the information held about you by an organisation.

To make a subject access request, please send us your:

  • full name
  • address
  • date of birth
  • registration number (or application number if appropriate)
  • signature

Please make sure that the words 'Subject Access Request' are clear on your letter and send this to our Registration team's postal address. We'll check them against our records and send the information back to your registered address.

If we have queries regarding your subject access request, we'll write to you requesting further information. This is to make sure that your details aren't sent to anyone else.

Please note, if your letter doesn't contain all of your details, or if you contact us by phone or email, we won't be able to process your request.

Further information

Page updated on: 24/09/2024