Possible outcomes from our review of your international application
The possible outcomes to your application depend on the application route you've taken
Further information request
If we cannot reach a decision based on the information in your application, we may ask you to provide further information. If we do so, we will write to you explaining what information is required and the date by which you must provide it. We do this only in justified cases and it is in your interest to provide all relevant information when you first submit your application.
Test of competence
If after reviewing your application and any further information submitted there are still standards of proficiency outstanding, depending on the number of standards, we may invite you to undertake a test of competence. We will contact you with a date and time for the test and tell you more about the format of the test of competence. This will be a pass or fail. The test will normally be carried out virtually using Microsoft Teams.
Successful applications
If we are satisfied that your education, training and experience meet the standards of proficiency for your profession, and that you meet the other requirements for registration, we will contact you by email let you know, and ask you to complete the process by paying the registration fee. To pay the fee, you'll need to set up and activate your online account.
If we decide that, after assessment and any other test that we may require you to take, you are not able to meet the standards of proficiency, we will refuse admission to the Register.
If you are an international applicant and your application is unsuccessful, you may be able to appeal the decision.
If you applied through EMR, your choices are different. If you're a national of a relevant European state, or have acquired the rights of that state (for example through marriage), and are entitled to practice in that state, you will be required to complete a period of adaptation or an aptitude test to rectify shortfalls in your knowledge or experience.
Period of adaptation (POA)
These are required if, having looked at your application, we feel that there are significant areas of your skills, knowledge and experience that do not meet our standards. They are periods of supervised practice and/or academic training intended to make up for the shortfalls.
If you disagree with the requirement of completing a POA, you can request an aptitude test instead. This is a test of your knowledge relating to the shortfalls identified in your application, and it can take different forms depending on the nature of the shortfalls. The form is described in your Record of Assessment.
To take the test you'll need to contact our Registration team within three months from the date of the decision letter. Tests are free of charge and usually take place in our London offices.