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How to meet the revised ‘programme leader’ standard

08 Mar 2019

When assessing the revised standards of education and training (SETs) via annual monitoring this year, we found that more than a third of programmes have not been able to meet the revised standard around the professional lead for the programme (SET 3.3).

We have found many providers misunderstand what we require as evidence for this standard.

This article highlights the revisions to the standard and will help you to avoid being asked for further evidence relating to this standard. We also have further guidance about the revisions to our standards.

What is different about the standard?

"The education provider must ensure that the person holding overall professional responsibility for the programme is appropriately qualified and experienced and, unless other arrangements are appropriate, on the relevant part of the Register" 

Standards of education and training (3.3)

We no longer check the suitability of the person appointed, so providing a CV will not be enough to evidence this standard. The focus of the standard has changed.

The focus of the standard is how you ensure the person in this role is suitable, on an ongoing basis.

You could provide as evidence:

  • role profile;
  • person specification;
  • recruitment process;
  • expression of interest process; or
  • any other information which demonstrates how you ensure the individual is appropriate.

We made this change to reduce the regulatory burden of making a judgement every time you changed the person with professional responsibility for the programme. However, we need to be satisfied that you are able to make appropriate judgements without our check, which is why you need to demonstrate how you meet this standard.

Useful questions to ask yourself when providing evidence for this standard

  • What do you consider to be appropriate qualifications required to perform the role?
  • What do you consider to be appropriate experience required to perform the role?
  • How do you ensure the person in the role, and those that will fulfil the role in the future, has the required qualifications and experience?
  • Does this person need to be registered with the HCPC? If not, why not?
  • How would you recruit to this role in the future?

In answering these questions, you should be able to show us how you ensure a suitable person is in place now, and will be in place in the future.

If you are unsure what to submit through your annual monitoring audit, please contact us.

Tel. 44 (0)20 7840 9812

Page updated on: 08/03/2019