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Canlyniadau chwilio am the care act 2014

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What information is confidential?

Information about a service user can be ‘identifiable’ or ‘anonymised’, by identifiable information we mean any information you hold about a service user that could identify them, you must treat this information as confidential

Managing stress

We all respond differently to pressure or demands that we find difficult to cope with, or situations that we don’t have much control over

Standards for podiatric surgery

Our expectations of education providers delivering training in podiatric surgery and of chiropodists / podiatrists who complete this training

Returning to Practice: My Journey - Rachael Harrison

Rachael is an Occupational Therapist with over 23 years of experience. She returned to practice in 2023 after a career break.

Customer service policy

View our policy for customer service in this section

My COVID-19 story - Recently Qualified ODP

'As much as the situation is crazy and almost worthy of an apocalypse film, I feel lucky I can go to work every day and mix with friends and colleagues. It keeps some sense of normality day to day.'

An employer's perspective: Supporting a registrant through fitness to practise proceedings

Ruth Clement is Head of Kent Children’s Therapies at Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust. A concern was raised about a HCPC-registered therapist that Ruth line-managed. Here she gives her perspective on the events and shares tips for employers or managers in similar situations.

Equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is an important area to the HCPC, to ensure learners are properly supported and prepared for practice. We have identified good practice and challenges with education provider approaches to embedding EDI into their programmes.
