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How we collaborated with Health Education and Improvement Wales

Our quality assurance approach means we use data and intelligence to inform how we undertake assessments. A great example of this is some work we recently carried out with Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW).

CPD audit do’s and don’ts

Here are some tips from CPD assessors who were involved in our most recent audit cycle to help you submit a complete CPD profile

What do you need to do to record your CPD activities?

Continuous, up to date, accurate: here are our requirements for your CPD record

Joint statement on the closure of the COVID-19 Temporary Register

A joint statement from the Chief Professional Officers and Advisers, and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) to those on the Temporary Register.

HCPC increases the education threshold for paramedics

Planned changes to the paramedic education threshold have now come into force. This follows on from our consultation and decision by our Council to increase the threshold to degree level in 2018.
