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Canlyniadau chwilio am the care act 2014

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Employer webinar - English language proficiency review and revising the standards of conduct, performance and ethics

An online session for employers or managers of HCPC registrants, looking at the HCPC's English language proficiency review and revising the standards of conduct, performance and ethics.

Council Meeting - 26 May 2022

Please note that item 6 will be published once the meeting has been held.  

Webinar - Consultation on English language proficiency

An online session open to everyone, focusing on the consultation on our English language proficiency requirements.

Webinar - Consultation on English language proficiency

An online session open to everyone, focusing on the consultation on our English language proficiency requirements.

Employer Insights webinar: registration

Learn more about how ensuring that the HCPC professionals you employ or manage remain registered.

SCPE: pre-consultation workshop (service users)

Online workshop for service users to discuss changes to the standards of conduct, performance and ethics

SCPE: pre-consultation workshop (registrants)

Online workshop for registrants to discuss changes to the standards of conduct performance and ethics

SCPE: pre-consultation workshop (trade unions)

Online workshop for trade union representatives to discuss changes to the standards of conduct, performance and ethics

SCPE: pre-consultation workshop (students)

Online workshop for students to discuss changes to the standards of conduct, performance and ethics

Consultation workshop SCPE duty of candour

This workshop gives you an opportunity to ask questions about the revisions we have made

Continuing professional development workshops in Belfast

Two workshops that explain the HCPC's standards for CPD, along with examples of activities and evidence

Continuing professional development workshops in Cardiff

Three workshops that explain the HCPC's standards for CPD, along with examples of activities and evidence

Continuing professional development workshops in Oxford

Three workshops that explain the HCPC's standards for CPD, along with examples of activities and evidence

Continuing professional development workshops in Leeds

Three workshops that explain the HCPC's standards for CPD, along with examples of activities and evidence
