Yn dangos 1036 i 1050 o 1077 canlyniadau
Why we charge fees
Why we request fees and how we use them
Claiming back tax
Did you know you may be able to claim back tax on your renewal fees?
Using your online account
What information you can change via your online account, and how to begin using it
How we contact you
Information on how we contact you and protecting yourself against fraud
Subject access requests
You can request a copy of your application or registration details at any time by placing a subject access request.
Health and social care regulators
We work closely with the other UK health regulators to share best practice in a variety of areas. These include HR, education, equality and diversity, communications and governance.
Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care
Scrutinises and oversees the work of nine health and care regulators
Section 5 – English language proficiency
People on the HCPC’s Register must be able to communicate effectively in English in order to meet our standards of proficiency
Egwyddorion Tiwtoriaeth
Helpu gweithwyr proffesiynol iechyd a gofal drwy gyfnodau pontio yn eu gyrfa
Gwybodaeth am bolisïau'r Cyngor Proffesiynau Iechyd a Gofal, yn cynnwys data, caffael, rhyddid gwybodaeth a’r Gymraeg.
Y proffesiynau
Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn rheoleiddio aelodau 15 proffesiwn