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Canlyniadau chwilio am the care act 2014

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The two criteria for choosing CPD

Continuing professional development (CPD) should improve your work and have a positive impact for your service users

HCPC and health regulators' joint statement supports reflective practice across healthcare

Nine healthcare regulators, including the HCPC, have signed a joint statement outlining the processes and advantages of good reflective practice

Naomi Nicholson joins HCPC as Executive Director of Professional Practice and Insight

HCPC is delighted to announce the appointment of Naomi Nicholson to the newly created role of Executive Director of Professional Practice and Insight.

HCPTS website updates

We have recently made a few changes to the HCPTS website to improve the information and support provided to registrants

Dietitian renewals - window closing soon

The deadline for dietitians to complete their registration renewal is fast approaching

PSA review highlights significant progress made by the HCPC

The Professional Standards Authority (PSA) has today published its annual performance review of the HCPC. The HCPC has met 16 of the 18 Standards of Good Regulation, regaining two fitness to practise (FTP) standards and one standard linked to registration.

Review of the standards of education and training

We are undertaking a review of the standards of education and training (SETs).

Radiographers renewals - window closing soon

The deadline for radiographers to complete their registration renewal is fast approaching

Biomedical scientists renewals - window closing soon

The deadline for biomedical scientists to complete their registration renewal is fast approaching

Occupational therapists renewals - window closing soon

The deadline for occupational therapists to complete their registration renewal is fast approaching

Dietitians renewal window closing soon

The deadline for dietitians to complete their registration renewal is fast approaching

Physiotherapists renewals - window closing soon

The deadline for physiotherapists to complete their registration renewal is fast approaching

What our Fitness to practise annual report shows

The level of public concern in our professions remains small, but it is rising
