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What do you need to do to record your CPD activities?

Continuous, up to date, accurate: here are our requirements for your CPD record

Join the conversation on #myHCPCstandards, #HCPCregistered and #myHCPCcpd on social media

Keep up to date with the latest news and information relating to our standards, your registration and your CPD

CPD audit do’s and don’ts

Here are some tips from CPD assessors who were involved in our most recent audit cycle to help you submit a complete CPD profile

Keeping your standards relevant

How we're ensuring our standards reflect the expectations of a modern day health service and the real lived-in context you work in

The two criteria for choosing CPD

Continuing professional development (CPD) should improve your work and have a positive impact for your service users

Equality monitoring – help us to improve our services for everyone

We will be asking you to ask you to complete an equality monitoring form to help us make sure our services are accessible to everyone

Results of the Partner Satisfaction survey

We launched our first Partner Satisfaction Survey in December 2022 as part of the Partner Newsletter.

Updates to the Partner sections of the website

The Partner team has been working with our Communications team to improve our Partner website.

Meet a Partner - Frances McGurgan

Frances is an Advanced Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist who resides and works in Northern Ireland.

Updating your personal details with us

It is important that your contact details are kept up to date.

Meet a Partner - Professor Ieuan Ellis

Ieuan is a self-employed Educational Consultant and Company Director and Interim Pro Vice Chancellor at Wrexham University.

New eLearning modules for Partners

We have released new eLearning modules to support your development in your role and inform you about changes in our standards.
