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Registrant snapshot - 1 September 2019

View and download registrant statistics by profession, application route, gender, annotations and geographical location

Professional bodies for paramedics

Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.

Webinar - Consultation on English language proficiency

An online session open to everyone, focusing on the consultation on our English language proficiency requirements.

Customer service policy

View our policy for customer service in this section

Meet a Partner - Professor Ieuan Ellis

Ieuan is a self-employed Educational Consultant and Company Director and Interim Pro Vice Chancellor at Wrexham University.

HCPC launches new work on preceptorship

The HCPC is working on a new programme of work to understand how preceptorship can be designed to best support our registrants.

Getting on the Register

Information on how to apply and other key aspects of getting on the Register

Policy and standards

For queries relating to consultations, standards and policy issues
