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Position statement: Taking part in industrial action

If you are an HCPC registrant taking part in industrial action, the behaviours set out in our standards of conduct, performance and ethics still apply

Be visible, engaged and informed

Aim: We regulate, take and communicate decisions which are informed by a deep understanding of the environment within which our registrants, employers and education providers operate

Paramedics self-referral guidance and advice - webinar

Do you know when self-referral to the HCPC is appropriate? Learn more at this free webinar specially designed for paramedics.

HCPC launches new work on preceptorship

The HCPC is working on a new programme of work to understand how preceptorship can be designed to best support our registrants.

Top tips for completing your CPD profile if you’re selected for audit

We've compiled a list of top tips to help make the CPD auditing process as smooth as possible.

How we work

We have produced an animation to explain how we operate and how the HCPC benefits both registrants and service users

Professional bodies

These organisations do work which may include promoting the profession, representing members, curriculum frameworks, post registration education and training and continuing professional development.

Customer feedback

As an organisation, our aim is to provide the best customer service we can for all our registrants and stakeholders

Returning to practice

Information about the process you need to complete if you are returning to practice after a break of more than two years

Student competition

Each year, we run a competition for students who, at the time of entry, are enrolled on an HCPC-approved pre-registration programme.


Our standards form the foundation for how we regulate, explaining what we expect of our registrants and education and training programmes. 

Practitioner psychologist CPD audit (2021)

A total of 566 practitioner psychologists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2019-2021 renewal cycle.

Paramedic CPD audit (2021)

A total of 649 paramedics were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2019-2021 renewal cycle.

Clinical scientist CPD audit (2021)

A total of 143 clinical scientists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2019-2021 renewal cycle.

Prosthetist/orthotist CPD audit (2021)

A total of 25 prosthetists/orthotists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2019-2021 renewal cycle.
