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Fees and tax

Information about what we charge and what tax can be claimed back

International applications

For applicants who trained outside the United Kingdom


This section is for applicants who have previously been on the Register and would like to re-join it

Our standards for CPD

All registrants must meet five standards for continuing professional development

What activities count as CPD?

Hear from registrants on the activities they find most rewarding, and which can count towards CPD

News and updates

Find HCPC news items, statements and press releases


Find and sign-up to our events including conferences, exhibitions, webinars and workshops


Find current and previous consultations

HCPC blog

Latest articles from the blog

Journalist FAQs

Some of the frequently asked questions journalists have about the HCPC

Position statements

Find individual position statements from the HCPC

Need help?

How to check the Register to find a professional, and what the results mean

Who we regulate

We protect the public by regulating 15 health and care professions

Who we are

The Council is supported by a network of specialist teams, advisory committees and partners
