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Able to offer support?

Some of our registrants have been in touch saying they are now in a position to help the NHS and want to know how to offer support

Join the conversation on #myHCPCstandards, #HCPCregistered and #myHCPCcpd on social media

Keep up to date with the latest news and information relating to our standards, your registration and your CPD

Health, disability and becoming a health and care professional

This document gives you more information about disabled people joining the professions that we regulate.

Sustainability in health and care practice

HCPC Policy Lead, Rosemary Flowers-Wanjie, explains the background behind our development and publication of content support registrants with sustainable practice.

FAQs on record keeping

We get many questions about record keeping from registrants. This page runs through the most common questions and signposts to other sources of advice

Our work

Our corporate plan sets out the important development work we want to achieve to progress our strategy

How we’re supporting you with the updates to our standards of proficiency

Adam Haxell, Strategic Relationships Lead, sets out the activities in this key period of engagement, to raise awareness of our updated standards and help registrants overcome any barriers they may face in meeting them.

An employer's perspective: Supporting a registrant through fitness to practise proceedings

Ruth Clement is Head of Kent Children’s Therapies at Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust. A concern was raised about a HCPC-registered therapist that Ruth line-managed. Here she gives her perspective on the events and shares tips for employers or managers in similar situations.

Section 5 – English language proficiency

People on the HCPC’s Register must be able to communicate effectively in English in order to meet our standards of proficiency

Our requirements of programmes meeting the revised standards of education and training

Last summer, we asked all pre-registration programmes to plan how they would meet the revised standards of education and training (SETs). From the 2018–19 academic year, we will assess whether your programme has met these standards via our annual monitoring process.
