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Professional bodies for orthoptists

Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.

Once you are on the Register

What happens after your application has been successful and how you stay registered

Being selected for audit

When CPD audits happen and what you'll need to do if selected

Managing stress

We all respond differently to pressure or demands that we find difficult to cope with, or situations that we don’t have much control over

After you've applied

What happens after you submit your application and what you'll need to do when you're registered

Swiss Mutual Recognition (SMR) applications

Applicants who trained outside the UK and are eligible for SMR must apply through this route, rather than an 'international' application

Our requirements if you are returning to practice

Our return to practice requirements are flexible, minimum requirements. They aim to protect the public by making sure you have up-to-date knowledge and skills.

Reporting concerns or information about a provider or programme

How to report concerns or information about a provider or programme

Level of supervision

Case study: Ameena is a registered Band 7 Physiotherapist at an NHS Trust. Ameena has recently been asked by her employer to supervise Marianne, who has recently qualified as a Band 5 physiotherapist.
