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Canlyniadau chwilio am the

Yn dangos 541 i 555 o 1839 canlyniadau

Review documents

We produce reviews of the regulatory work we do in assessing and monitoring programmes

Certifying documents for readmission

Copies of your documents must be correctly certified by a person of standing in the community

How to make a complaint to the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)

This document provides guidance on making a complaint about a person on the HCPC Register.

Registrants’ mental health

We have emphasised the importance of registrants looking after their own mental health and seeking help where necessary as a part of maintaining their fitness to practise. This is one theme within the key changes to the updated standards of proficiency for all professions. 

Education provider and visitor survey 2020 results

The HCPC runs a biennial education provider and visitor survey, which gathers feedback to improve these stakeholders’ experience and involvement

Consultation on the revised Indicative Sanctions Policy

The Indicative Sanctions Policy sets out what principles Practice Committee Panels should consider when deciding what, if any, sanction should be applied to fitness to practise cases

Welsh Language Scheme Annual Monitoring Report 2021-22

How we continue to implement steps to make sure we treat English and Welsh equally when communicating with the public in Wales.

Education provider hub

This hub provides the latest updates and information for Education providers

Registrant hub

This hub provides the latest updates and information for HCPC registrants

Remuneration Committee

This committee reviews the annual salary of our employees

HCPC appoints new Chair of Council

The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) is delighted to announce the appointment of Christine Elliott as its Chair.

What we cannot investigate

The types of issues we cannot get involved with

COVID-19 hub

See the latest news, guidance and service information in light of COVID-19
