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Promoting public health and preventing ill-health

We have introduced new standards about promoting public health and preventing ill-health. This is one theme within the key changes to the updated standards of proficiency for all professions. 

Feedback on our registration services

We are committed to developing and improving the service provided by our Registration Department and we would like your help by providing feedback

Professional bodies for physiotherapists

Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.

Standards of proficiency for social workers in England - service user and carer input into the review

A review of the standards of proficiency for social workers in England. This is part of the HCPCs wider review of these standards taking place in 2015 and 2016

Why aren’t more professions regulated?

Responding to discussions among our registrants, here’s some background on why some titles are regulated and others not.


Return to practice: attracting an untapped resource

Paul Chapman on the benefits for employers in supporting professionals back to practice

Remote supervision

Case study: Raff is a hearing aid dispenser working in independent practice. He has just started running his own business as a sole practitioner in a remote location in the Scottish Highlands.

An opportunity to join our Council and help keep patients and service users safe

As we enter the final year of our current Corporate Strategy, the HCPC is looking to recruit four new members of our Council: one registrant member and up to three lay members.
