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Remote supervision

Case study: Raff is a hearing aid dispenser working in independent practice. He has just started running his own business as a sole practitioner in a remote location in the Scottish Highlands.

The benefits and outcomes of effective supervision

Learn about the benefits that supervision can have for your professional practice and the wider sector

HCPC EDI Forum Blog: Why Equality, Diversity and Inclusion matters to me

EDI Forum member and HCPC registrant Dave Thomas shares his thoughts on the importance of EDI and urges fellow registrants to participate in the HCPC diversity data survey. 

What's the same

Details on which elements of the revised standards of proficiency remains the same

Preceptorship – supporting registrants, employers and the sector to deliver better healthcare

The consultation on preceptorship sets out our ambition to construct a set of principles that can support registrants, employers and the wider sector in delivering better healthcare by ensuring healthcare professionals are better supported at key points in their careers.

Information sharing with professional bodies

One of the core principles of our quality assurance approach is to use data and intelligence in our decision-making.

Promote your registration

Our guidelines for letting service users know you are a registered professional

Carrying out and recording your CPD in challenging times

CPD activities can take many forms, and can include activity which you are doing as part of your usual working day.

Raise a concern as a member of the public

How to raise a concern about a HCPC registered professional if you are a member of the public

Are you and your team ready for the updated standards of proficiency?

As the updated standards of proficiency come into effect on 1 September 2023, you might be wondering what you need to do as a manager or employer of HCPC registrants. In this article we share ideas, tips and strategies to help you and your team prepare to embed the updated standards into everyday practice.
