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Canlyniadau chwilio am care

Yn dangos 526 i 540 o 778 canlyniadau


Find and sign-up to our events including conferences, exhibitions, webinars and workshops

CPD information for employers

CPD is not required from employers, but it is from their employees

Partner newsletter

Partner Post is our e-newsletter dedicated to HCPC Partners, and provides updates on the latest news and developments that might affect Partners

Planning a new programme

Important information for education providers planning to run a new programme

What we mean by ‘practising your profession’

We have defined ‘practising your profession’ as drawing on your professional skills and knowledge in the course of your work.

Registrants and representative organisations

Communicating with our registrants is essential to the work that we do. It is important that registrants are kept up to date with developments that affect their professional registration

Education provider and visitor survey 2020 results

The HCPC runs a biennial education provider and visitor survey, which gathers feedback to improve these stakeholders’ experience and involvement

Education and Training panels

Education and Training panels review visitors' reports on approval and monitoring of education and training programmes. Panel members are drawn from the Education and Training Committee

If you are out of practice, but still registered with us

If you have been out of practice for more than two years, you are considered 'returning to practice', during your renewal

Education Quality Assurance Model

The new model aims to deliver proportionate and flexible regulatory action through a more intelligent use of data and a risked based approach to education programme assurance

Applying for readmission

How to apply for readmission to the Register, including application forms and information about the process and fees

Developing resilience as a student

Resilience is our capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and to adapt in the face of challenging circumstances

Developing resilience

The factors to consider in applying our standards during the COVID-19 pandemic
