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MyStandards workshop and live stream

Learn more about the HCPC standards and how to apply them to your everyday practice

Promote your registration

Our guidelines for letting service users know you are a registered professional

Carrying out and recording your CPD in challenging times

CPD activities can take many forms, and can include activity which you are doing as part of your usual working day.

Raise a concern as a member of the public

How to raise a concern about a HCPC registered professional if you are a member of the public

Customer service policy

View our policy for customer service in this section

Service User Expert Advisor

Service User Expert Advisors will be engaged in an effective and targeted manner, which is reflective of the skills, expertise and experience successful candidates bring to the role

Case studies

These case studies will help explain how you might assess risk, manage your fitness to practise and ensure you continue to meet your HCPC standards.

Standards for podiatric surgery

Our expectations of education providers delivering training in podiatric surgery and of chiropodists / podiatrists who complete this training

HCPC EDI Forum Blog: Why Equality, Diversity and Inclusion matters to me

EDI Forum member and HCPC registrant Dave Thomas shares his thoughts on the importance of EDI and urges fellow registrants to participate in the HCPC diversity data survey. 
