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Fitness to practise annual report 2007

This report provides information about the HPC’s work in considering allegations about the fitness to practise of our registrants.

Fitness to practise annual report 2006

This report provides information about the HPC’s work in considering allegations about the Fitness to Practise of our registrants.

Fitness to practise annual report 2004

This report provides information about the HPC’s work in considering allegations about the Fitness to Practise of registrants.

HCPTS website updates

We have recently made a few changes to the HCPTS website to improve the information and support provided to registrants

Fitness to practise annual report 2018

This report provides information about the HCPC’s work in considering allegations about the fitness to practise of HCPC registrants. 

Health and Wellbeing at Work 2018

The UK’s leading event for improving the health, wellbeing, safety and performance of today’s workforce

Fitness to practise annual report 2019

The Fitness to practise annual report highlights key statistics and insights and explains how we protect the public and ensure our registrants meet our standards

HCPC and health regulators' joint statement supports reflective practice across healthcare

Nine healthcare regulators, including the HCPC, have signed a joint statement outlining the processes and advantages of good reflective practice

Build a resilient, healthy, capable and sustainable organisation

Aim: Employees feel valued and supported, and fully able to contribute. The organisation is resilient and able to quickly adapt to changes in the external environment

#myHCPCstandards webinar - standard 1

Promote and protect the interest of service users and carers - standard 1 of the standards of conduct, performance and ethics.

Consultation on permanent changes to our Rules to hold remote hearings

We are seeking the views of our stakeholders on our proposal to amend our Rules to give us the express power to hold hearings remotely.

Naomi Nicholson joins HCPC as Executive Director of Professional Practice and Insight

HCPC is delighted to announce the appointment of Naomi Nicholson to the newly created role of Executive Director of Professional Practice and Insight.

Review of the threshold level of qualification for entry to the Register

This policy statement sets out our broad approach to reviewing the threshold level of qualification for entry to the Register

Prosecution policy (protection of title)

This policy sets out the HCPC's enforcement approach in relation to offences under Article 39 of the Order

FAQs on record keeping

We get many questions about record keeping from registrants. This page runs through the most common questions and signposts to other sources of advice
