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Canlyniadau chwilio

Yn dangos 31 i 45 o 1077 canlyniadau

Documents you need to prepare and certify

Before applying, prepare and certify your documents to avoid delays to your application

What happens if a concern about me goes to a hearing

If the Investigating Committee decides there is a case to answer, the case will go forward for a final hearing

If you are out of practice, but still registered with us

If you have been out of practice for more than two years, you are considered 'returning to practice', during your renewal

Revisions to our standards of education and training

Guidance about our revised standard, which came into effect in September 2017. We are currently undertaking a rolling review of how programmes meet the revised standards.

Changes to the level of qualification for entry to the Register for paramedics

Information about this change, including how it will affect existing paramedic programmes

Service user and carer involvement

What we are looking for when you involve service users and carers in your programme

Students’ health and character issues

An overview of the information contained in this section, and how can support education providers make decisions about students' health and characer issues. 

Data policy and terms

HCPC's data policy, including details about the information we hold about registrants, plus the terms and conditions for our website
