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Canlyniadau chwilio am the care act 2014

Yn dangos 421 i 435 o 916 canlyniadau

CPD Assessors

CPD Assessors are current HCPC registrants who assess registrant CPD profiles against the HCPC’s standards

Short readmission

This short readmission process is for registrants who lapse and are rejoining the Register within one month

What we do

How we operate and the important development work we want to achieve to progress our corporate strategy

Transfer of regulation to Social Work England

Important information for social workers in England regarding the transfer of regulation to Social Work England including FAQs

Media enquiries for FTP hearings

All hearings begin at 10am and are open to the press and public unless otherwise stated

COVID-19 Temporary Register

We have worked with the UK Government to create a COVID-19 temporary register of former registrants

Continuing professional development (CPD)

This section provides information about the CPD audit process, and provides guidance on meeting our CPD standards

Standards for prescribing

Our expectations of education providers delivering training in prescribing and of professionals on our Register who prescribe

Understanding the Duty of Candour- new resources available for you

New materials outline what candour means and what it looks like in practice.

Fitness to practice and the updated standards of proficiency

What employers need to know about our updated requirements for registrants to manage their mental and physcial health.
