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Registrant snapshot - 2 October 2023

Total number of registrants for the main HCPC Register, broken down by profession (2 October 2023).

Registrant snapshot - 2 November 2023

Total number of registrants for the main HCPC Register, broken down by profession (2 November 2023).

HCPC response to Government Equalities Office consultation on banning conversion therapy in England and Wales

View our response to the Government Equalities Office consultation on banning conversion therapy in England and Wales.

Webinar: promote and protect the interest of service users and carers

#MyHCPCStandards​ webinar: Standard 1 - promote and protect the interest of service users and carers

My story - Nana-Jane Chipampe

Nana-Jane is a registered biomedical scientist currently in the third year of her PhD researching Bladder Cancer.

Diversity Data Report 2021

This report presents the findings from our registrant survey held between December 2020 and March 2021

Education annual report 2021-23

This report provides information for our stakeholders about education and training for the 15 professions we regulate.

Professional indemnity and your registration

Understanding what this means for you as a registrant or applicant to to the Register

What activities count as CPD?

Hear from registrants on the activities they find most rewarding, and which can count towards CPD

Quality policy

We are committed to providing quality services to our stakeholders, learning from feedback and driving continuous improvement

Year in registration survey 2022 – highlights report

This paper presents highlights from our year in registration survey 2022 (formerly known as the new graduate survey), which seeks the views of those who have been HCPC-registered for a year about their education and training programme, how this prepared them to practice, and the first year in employment. 

Year in Registration survey 2023 - highlights report

This paper presents highlights from our year in registration survey 2022 (formerly known as the new graduate survey), which seeks the views of those who have been HCPC-registered for a year about their education and training programme, how this prepared them to practice, and the first year in employment. 

Revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics - supporting registered professionals

With the publication of the revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics (‘the standards’) coming soon, you are no doubt wondering what you can do to support your HCPC registrants with embedding them into everyday practice. We're here to help! 
