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Types of reflective practice

Learn about the different types of reflective practice available to you. Which you use will depend on the nature and scope of your practice, your activity and your learning style

HCPC EDI Forum Blog: Why Equality, Diversity and Inclusion matters to me

EDI Forum member and HCPC registrant Dave Thomas shares his thoughts on the importance of EDI and urges fellow registrants to participate in the HCPC diversity data survey. 

MyEDI: Understanding equality, diversity and inclusion has never been so important

The HCPC has launched our annual Diversity Data Survey and we need as many registrants as possible to respond, so we can gain a better understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion across the professions we regulate.

Cookies used on our website

Information about the cookies used on our website and how to review your preferences and consent.

Cookies used on our other online systems

Information about the Cookies that we use on our other online registration systems and services.

Certifying documents for readmission

Copies of your documents must be correctly certified by a person of standing in the community

Registrant snapshot - 1 March 2023

Total number of registrants for the main HCPC Register, broken down by profession (1 March 2023).

Focus on creating a good culture

Supporting information which expands on the delivery elements of Preceptorship Principle 1: Organisational culture & preceptorship

Focus on being a preceptee

Supporting information which expands on the delivery elements of Preceptorship Principle 3 - Preceptee empowerment

Focus on being a preceptor

Supporting information which expands on the delivery elements of Preceptorship Principle 4 - Preceptor role

Education annual report 2021-23

This report provides information for our stakeholders about education and training for the 15 professions we regulate.

Professional bodies for hearing aid dispensers

Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.

Professional bodies for operating department practitioners

Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.

Professional bodies for orthoptists

Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.
