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Welsh language standards

How we deliver services to Welsh speaking members of the public

Chair of the HCPC announces search for Council Apprentice

The role provides an opportunity for a talented person to gain boardroom experience and skills as a member of the HCPC’s most senior decision-making group. 

Policy statement on HCPC’s approach to developing memorandums of understanding

This policy statement sets out our broad approach to developing memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with other organisations.

Updated standards of proficiency

Information about the most recent update to the standards of proficiency, including comparison tables and themes in the key changes.

Students’ health and character issues

An overview of the information contained in this section, and how can support education providers make decisions about students' health and characer issues. 

Medical entitlements and COVID-19

The factors to consider in applying our standards during the COVID-19 pandemic

Preceptorship for internationally recruited registrants

For HCPC registrants who have come to work in the UK via our international registration route, preceptorship can provide a way to support acculturation to both their new working environment and to living in the UK.

My COVID-19 story - Recently Qualified ODP

'As much as the situation is crazy and almost worthy of an apocalypse film, I feel lucky I can go to work every day and mix with friends and colleagues. It keeps some sense of normality day to day.'

Need help?

How to check the Register to find a professional, and what the results mean

Professional bodies for arts therapists

Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.

An employer's perspective: Supporting a registrant through fitness to practise proceedings

Ruth Clement is Head of Kent Children’s Therapies at Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust. A concern was raised about a HCPC-registered therapist that Ruth line-managed. Here she gives her perspective on the events and shares tips for employers or managers in similar situations.
