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Canlyniadau chwilio am the care act 2014

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What is changing

Find details of the revised standards of conduct performance and ethics, and how they compare to the current standards.

Update on the Indicative Sanctions Policy review

In early 2017, the HCPC commenced a review of the Indicative Sanctions Policy to ensure it is up to date, reflects public opinion, and continues to support fair and proportionate decision making. As part of this review we commissioned market research into the public’s views of the Policy and undertook a public consultation.

Regulating in the next phase – COVID-19

The pandemic required us to quickly adapt how we operated as a regulator. We intend to build on this agility to ensure we deliver effective public protection through lean and intelligent regulation.

The two criteria for choosing CPD

Continuing professional development (CPD) should improve your work and have a positive impact for your service users

HCPC increases the education threshold for paramedics

Planned changes to the paramedic education threshold have now come into force. This follows on from our consultation and decision by our Council to increase the threshold to degree level in 2018.

Protecting the health and safety of others

We expect our registrants to take all reasonable steps to reduce risk of harm, and to maintain a safe practice environment

What is the professional liaison service?

How our bespoke workshops and general sessions can help you get the most out of the HCPC.

Closure of the COVID-19 Temporary Register

The Government has announced that the healthcare professions temporary registers, including the HCPC temporary register, are set to close on 30 September 2022.

Filling in the UK application form

Guidance for those completing an online UK application to join the Register
