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CPD Audit reports

Our CPD audit reports describe the outcomes of the audits for the professions we regulate.

Alternative mechanisms for resolving disputes: a literature review

The third report in a series on research in regulation of the professions registered with the HPC.

COVID-19 - applying our standards

The factors to consider in applying the standards of conduct, performance and ethics during the COVID-19 pandemic.

HCPC responds to the publication of the PSA’s Learning from Covid-19 report

The Professional Standards Authority has today published a report on the actions taken by regulators in the first phase of the pandemic, entitled Learning from Covid-19.

HCPC annual report and accounts 2023-24

The Annual Report and Accounts is made up of the Performance report, the Accountability report and the financial statements.

Scoping report on existing research on complaints mechanisms

This report is the first in a series on the regulation of the heath professions registered with the HPC.

What you need to know about being an expert witness

Being an expert witness is an opportunity to demonstrate high levels of expertise and professionalism in your own area of practise

Paying the registration fee

Successful applicants will receive an email inviting them to pay via their online account

Mythbusting the CPD process

Everything you need to know about being selected for CPD

What's the same

Details on which elements of the revised standards of proficiency remains the same

Meet the HCPC, Wrexham

Meet the HCPC (Wrexham) is a chance to hear about our recent work, ask us questions and share ideas

Meet the HCPC, Swansea

Meet the HCPC (Swansea) is a chance to hear about our recent work, ask us questions and share ideas
