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Canlyniadau chwilio am registration certificate

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Using your online account

What information you can change via your online account, and how to begin using it

HCPC statement on guidance on health and character and suicidal ideation

Our priority is ensuring that registrants have access to advice and support, so that they can get the help they need and ensure they are able to continue to practise safely, without fear of the impact on their registration. To support this, we have produced online materials aimed at registrants and updated our guidance on health and character to include more illustrative case studies.

Periods of adaptation (POAs)

Information about periods of supervised practice intended to make up for significant shortfalls in an international application

Service user involvement in the design and delivery of education and training programmes leading to registration with the Health Professions Council

This research aims to examine available evidence regarding the use and impact of service user feedback tools in healthcare, and explore the views of people within relevant professional bodies.

Join the conversation on #myHCPCstandards, #HCPCregistered and #myHCPCcpd on social media

Keep up to date with the latest news and information relating to our standards, your registration and your CPD

Remote consultations webinar

Join us to explore the benefits and challenges of remote consultations and how to continue communicating effectively.

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My story - Barira Saad

Registered dietitian Barira Saad provides an insight into the HCPC international application process.

Documents you need to provide

You'll be asked to upload a number of documents as part of your UK application

Virtual CPD Workshops

Do you need a reminder of our CPD requirements? Register to attend our virtual CPD workshops.

Changes to the level of qualification for entry to the Register for paramedics

Information about this change, including how it will affect existing paramedic programmes
