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HCPC appoints new Council members, at critical moment for health and care professionals

The HCPC has today announced the appointment of two new lay Council members, John McEvoy and Lianne Patterson.

Previous editions

View previous editions of our employer newsletter

My COVID-19 story – Nick Groom

Nick is a paramedic and Teaching Fellow at Oxford Brookes University

AHP Support and Supervision: The Scotland Story

Gail Nash, NHS Education for Scotland's AHP Practice Education Programme Lead, tells the story of how NHS Scotland developed models and strategies that enable AHPs to participate in meaningful supervision practice.

An employer's perspective: Supporting a registrant through fitness to practise proceedings

Ruth Clement is Head of Kent Children’s Therapies at Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust. A concern was raised about a HCPC-registered therapist that Ruth line-managed. Here she gives her perspective on the events and shares tips for employers or managers in similar situations.

My Story - Rachel Karanja

In celebration of Black History Month Rachel shares some inspiring words of what she has learned and experienced as a black health and care professional in the UK.

Employer insight: Supporting transgender employees in the workplace - Top Tips

NHS Lothian (NHSL) developed a number of initiatives to support Transgender employees at work, including Top tips for employees and employers

The benefits of supervision - an employer’s perspective

The British Psychological Society's Dr Noreen Tehrani looks at the different types of supervision from an employer's perspective - including the different benefits that employers stand to gain and tips to ensure its success.

Further centralising the service user

We have improved the central role of the service user, including a focus on valid consent and effective communication. This is one theme within the key changes to the updated standards of proficiency for all professions. 

My Story - Srikesavan Sabapathy (South Asian Heritage Month 2023)

To mark South Asian Heritage Month 2023, Srikesavan Sabapathy shares his story of coming to the UK as an international registrant. 

How to fill out the returning to practice form

We have set out some top tips to help applicants complete the returning to practice form as easily as possible
