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Canlyniadau chwilio am the

Yn dangos 1621 i 1635 o 1839 canlyniadau

Partner policies

A selection of our policies including expenses, travel, conduct and complaints.

Health declaration investigations process

Information on how we consider health declarations and establish whether individuals can practise safely and effectively.

Reflective practice case studies and template

This section provides a summary of reflective models that can make your reflections effective and a template to guide your own activities

Manage your education provision

Information on managing your education provision, from how to gain approval for a programme to how to maintain it

Health issues that need to be declared

Information for applicants and registrants on which health issues need to be declared to us, and why. 

Approaching supervision

Key principles and factors to consider when approaching supervision in your professional practice

Service announcement: Christmas and New Year 2022

Information about our closing dates and which online services are still running. 
