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Request confirmation of your registration status
This is also known as a certificate of current professional status (CCPS) or letter of good standing. You may require this if you're applying for a job or registration in a country outside the UK.
New threshold for paramedic registration
In 2018, we raised the level of qualification for paramedics’ registration. Previously paramedics needed to achieve ‘Equivalent to Certificate of Higher Education’ to become registered. Currently they need to achieve ’Bachelor degree with honours’.
For queries relating to joining and leaving the Register, CPD, renewals and your online account
How to join, maintain and renew your HCPC registration
Certificate of English language proficiency
We ask all applicants applying through the international route to confirm their proficiency with the English language
Registration assessors
Registration assessors assess applications from health professionals who are eligible to apply via the international, EMR or grandparenting application routes
Legal guidelines
Legal guidelines for HCPC registration
Course information form and professional qualification certificate
The Course Information Form should be sent to your university or training institution for completion and uploaded when you apply
Dual registration
In a few circumstances, professionals will need to apply for dual registration
Registration FAQs
Some of the questions we most frequently get asked by registrants
Your registration
Information about your registration including your responsibilities and how to manage your personal details
Registration renewals
This section contains information on renewing your registration, including how to complete your renewal online
Request the HCPC logo
Download the HCPC logo to promote your registration
Applying for HCPC registration?
Registration Manager Sammuel Yemane highlights what you need to do to avoid having your application returned as incomplete