Find previous editions of our employer newsletter
February 2025
Your employees' professional development
CPD is a requirement for all HCPC registrants, and ensures their skills are up-to-date. But without proper support it can become a check-box exercise, which risks the safety of patients and service users.
That's why CPD needs real, genuine support from employers, managers and leaders of HCPC registrants. This edition contains our key resources to help you do that, plus information about our first-ever CPD Week.
November 2024
Tackling sexual misconduct in health and care workplaces
An increase in media attention on sexual misconduct, as well as the release of new research, reports and campaigns, makes this an important time ask: How can we best create zero tolerance cultures, promote accountability and support victims and survivors?
In this edition, you’ll find resources and insights to help, including a deep dive from the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE), a report on concerns raised with us relating to sexual misconduct, and more.
June 2024
Revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics
In this edition we're focusing on supporting employers with the revised HCPC standards of conduct, performance and ethics, which come into effect on 1 September 2024. If you manage, lead or employ HCPC registrants you'll play a key role in empowering and enabling them to achieve the standards - so we've brought together insights, updates and more to help you do that.
August 2023
Supporting employees with the updated standards of proficiency
In this edition, we focus on supporting employers with the HCPC updated standards of proficiency. We have been encouraging registrants to spend time, before 1 September, considering the adaptations or changes they may need to make to their practice in order to meet the standards. As managers and employer play a key role in this process, we bring together ideas, examples and resources to help you provide effective support to your employees.
April 2023
Understanding fitness to practise
In this edition we've brought together resources on fitness to practise (FTP) that are specially designed for employers - including how to support an employee going through the proceedings and what our updated standards of proficiency say about FTP. We've also included some useful resources and information from across our website.
October 2022
Understanding supervision
In this edition we bring together insights from NHS Education for Scotland and the British Psychological Society, our own existing resources and support, and webinar dates for your diary.
June 2022
Managing Concerns
In this edition we focus on managing concerns about employees and developing a just and learning culture.
You can find the most up to date information on our employer hub.
July 2021
Equality, diversity and inclusion insights for employers
In this edition we focus on equality, diversity and inclusion, sharing different examples and information to help you support employees from different backgrounds and ensure they feel safe, valued and included.
March 2021
Health and wellbeing insights for employers
In this edition we focus on health and wellbeing, sharing different employer examples and mental health services, and information to help you support employees through and after these difficult times.
August 2020
An update for employers of HCPC registrants on regulatory activity
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our main objective has been to continue to fulfil our public protection role, ensure the health of our employees, and provide flexibility and support to our registrants.
April 2020
Welcome to the second edition of our newsletter for employers of HCPC registrants
In this edition we focus on COVID-19 and how you can support employees, including our temporary registrants – former registrants and students – who may have been employed to expand your workforce during this time.
November 2019
Welcome to our newsletter for employers of HCPC registrants
In this edition, we invite you to visit the Employer hub we have created for you.
February 2025
Your employees' professional development
CPD is a requirement for all HCPC registrants, and ensures their skills are up-to-date. But without proper support it can become a check-box exercise, which risks the safety of patients and service users.
That's why CPD needs real, genuine support from employers, managers and leaders of HCPC registrants. This edition contains our key resources to help you do that, plus information about our first-ever CPD Week.
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