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Focus on ensuring high quality

The details below expand on the delivery elements of preceptorship principle 2

Principle 2 - Quality & oversight of preceptorship

Preceptorship is an important investment in a registrants’ professional career.

All registrants should have access to a quality preceptorship programme. It demonstrates the value of individual registrants’ health, wellbeing and confidence during times of transition.

To enable effective preceptorship there should be:

a) processes to ensure registrants can access preceptorship and which meets their individual needs;

b) processes in place to support an appropriate mix of profession-specific, multi-profession and uni-profession learning and development within organisations or with wider system and professional networks;

c) integration with induction to professional role where appropriate;

d) recognition of the impact of system challenges and how to mitigate these;

e) systems in place to monitor, evaluate and review preceptorship programmes;

f) professional and organisational governance frameworks which allow the process to be audited and reported; and

g) understanding of, and compliance with, national and local policies, and the relevant governance requirements required by the four countries of the UK.


What this means in practice for HCPC registrants:

  • Preceptorship should provide support that is tailored to registrants’ development needs and connect with their professional practice, including their scope of practice. This may include connecting preceptees with sources of specialist knowledge and advice where appropriate.
  • Preceptorship should connect to onboarding and induction programmes for newly recruited registrants while ensuring there is a clear distinction between them.
  • Preceptorship programmes should be sufficiently robust to cope with system challenges, and registrants’ access to preceptorship should be given equal status with other service priorities.
  • Registrant’s experiences and views should be sought and considered in the evaluation of preceptorship programmes and offers.
  • Systems used to monitor and evaluating preceptorship programmes should capture data sufficient to accurately understand preceptees experiences and should be regularly reviewed to ensure they are fit for purpose

Supporting delivery of preceptorship principles

The details below expand on the delivery elements of the preceptorship principles, and are provided to support preceptees, preceptors, and those running and evaluating preceptorship programmes. 

  1. Focus on creating a good culture
  2. Focus on ensuring high quality
  3. Focus on being a preceptee
  4. Focus on being a preceptor
  5. Focus on tailoring outputs
Tudalen wedi'i diweddaru ymlaen: 30/11/2023