27 Hyd 2021
For Occupational Therapy Day 2021, occupational therapist Buchan Jagdev tells us about how her role has changed during the pandemic and what motivates her to every day.
01 Hyd 2021
This report presents the findings from our registrant survey held between December 2020 and March 2021
How we continue to implement steps to make sure we treat English and Welsh equally when communicating with the public in Wales
View and download registrant statistics by profession, gender and application route
27 Medi 2021
Case study: Ameena is a registered Band 7 Physiotherapist at an NHS Trust. Ameena has recently been asked by her employer to supervise Marianne, who has recently qualified as a Band 5 physiotherapist.
Case study: Raff is a hearing aid dispenser working in independent practice. He has just started running his own business as a sole practitioner in a remote location in the Scottish Highlands.
Our aim in this report is to be transparent about how we handle disclosures, highlight the action taken about these issues, and to improve collaboration across the health sector.
Case study: Ellie is a registered Operating Department Practitioner (ODP), who recently started a new job at an NHS Trust. As part of her contract of employment, Ellie is expected to administer drugs intravenously.
Case study: Lilly is a Band 5 registered dietician who works in a community healthcare centre. Lilly has recently been asked by her employer to supervise Isaac, a second-year student dietician, during his practice-based learning.
Our supervision templates provide some examples of how you might want to structure your supervision sessions and the types of conversations you could have.
22 Medi 2021
The data for both these reports are from the snapshot date of 5 April in the preceding year (2020).
02 Medi 2021
This document provides guidance on our processes when assessing the health and character of people who apply to, or who are on, our Register.
01 Medi 2021
A total of 585 biomedical scientists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2017-2019 renewal cycle.
31 Awst 2021
View our response to the Department of Health (Northern Ireland) consultation