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Catharine Seddon

Catharine Seddon

Council, Audit and Risk Assurance Committee

Lay Council member

Catharine spent 20 years as a film maker. She started as a graduate trainee producer with the BBC and ended up running her own production company making documentaries for the BBC and Channel 4.

After leaving television, she joined the board of the Human Tissue Authority, where she became Audit Committee Chair and Senior Independent Director, during which time, she also sat on the independent appeals committee of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA). In addition to sitting on the Determinations Panel of the Pensions Regulator, Catharine served two terms as Senior Independent Director of the Gambling Commission, the Legal Services Board, and most recently, the Personal Finance Society. Catharine is currently the deputy Chair and Chair of Audit and Governance Committee of the HFEA, and sits on the board of the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS) where she chairs the Private Law Improvement Programme. She also sits on the Disciplinary Committee for the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

Catharine is a tutor at the Civil Service College and a magistrate; she sits on employment tribunals and as a lay assessor under the Equality Act on civil cases in the county courts, and has also been appointed to the Health Service Products Appeal Tribunal. She is a long-standing trustee of CPotential, a special needs charity.


Members' Register of Interests

Relationship, either personal or professional (outside of HCPC business) with any HCPC registrant, Council or Committee member, employee, partner or supplier:

Friendship with Chair.  Met socially on two occasions in last 12 months.

Summary of employment (current or in last 2 years) including remunerated and unremunerated (voluntary) work, permanent and temporary roles, self-employment, consultancy work, Non-Executive Directorships of public or private companies:


Deputy Chair and Chair of Audit and Governance Committee of the HFEA

Board member  of the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS); Chair, the Private Law Improvement Programme.

Disciplinary Committee member of  the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

Tutor at the Civil Service College in the Accountability and Governance portfolio.

Employer member on employment tribunals.

Lay assessor under the Equality Act on civil cases in the county courts.

Health Service Products Appeal Tribunal member.

Trustee and Company director of CPotential, a special needs charity.


In last two years:

Senior Independent Director and board member, Personal Finance Society

Senior Independent Director and board member, Legal Services Board

Senior Independent Director and board member, Gambling Commission


Details of membership or management of bodies that exercise functions of a public nature (including any public appointments)(current or in last two years):


Details of membership or management of bodies directed to charitable purposes (current or in last two years):

Trustee and Company director of CPotential, a special needs charity.

Details of membership or management of bodies that aim to influence public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union (current or in last two years):


Details of membership or management of bodies that the Council member has been appointed to by the HCPC (current or in last two years):


Details of any shareholdings which give a majority or controlling interest in any undertaking:


Description of any contracts for goods, services or works made between the HCPC and the Council member, or an organisation from which the Council member or their partner/close family member receive remuneration:


Details of any significant political activity undertaken in the last five years. This includes activities that are a matter of public record i.e. office holding in, public speaking in support of, or candidate on behalf of, any political party (or affiliated body) which fields candidates at local or general elections in any part of the UK or in elections to the European Parliament:

