Information on how to raise a concern about a professional on our Register
We protect the public by investigating concerns about the fitness to practise of our registrants.
Anyone can raise a concern about a registrant’s fitness to practise. This includes members of the public, employers, colleagues, the police, other organisations and other health and care professionals.
However, it is important that you read the information on the following pages to help you to decide whether you should make the referral to us. This will not take long.
At the end you will be taken to the relevant form for you.
Please select from the options below.
Raising a concern on behalf of another organisation
If you are making a referral on behalf of another organisation, please select the 'I am a member of the public or colleague'.
More information on what we can investigate
Whistleblowing is where a worker (an employee, former employee, trainee, agency worker or member of an organisation) reports a wrongdoing in the public interest.